Havyn is just over a week into her stay here at Shriner’s. We’ve posted tons of photos to Facebook in the last couple weeks. If you haven’t followed us there, feel free to swing on over to for minute-by-minute updates.
I’ll start with the big update first. She just had her one week scans yesterday. I’ll post photos below. I think she’s looking incredible! She’s not even at full traction weight yet and already there are signs of progress. Look at how straight her upper curve and neck are! While they didn’t give us any official measurements, it also looks like her main curve has gotten somewhat better. It’s GREAT to see this progress and confirms that all the pain and difficulty is worth it.

The last week has certainly been tough, but she’s doing so well now. The first couple days were very difficult. Between the pain and the medication, Havyn was not herself at all. She was grumpy and mean. She hated the halo and just wanted to go home. It’s a different story now. She is fun, silly, and joyful. She has been playing lots of games and keeping everyone entertained.
She’s also been CRUSHING IT on the treadmill. She walked two miles yesterday and at a pretty brisk pace. It’s great to see that stamina in her. She’s normally the first in our family to tire out and I think she’s got more drive than any of us right now! It might have something to do with the fact that she’s now about 25% lighter than normal. I’d be feeling pretty good too!
Thanks as always for the encouragement and prayers. We have been overwhelmed by it all. There is no way we can say “thank you” enough!
Oh this makes me smile. We love you all and miss you so much!!! So excited for the progress! We are continuing to pray for you all daily!!
AMAZING…both the progress and Havyn! Praise God! Love y’all and praying for continued healing and joy-filled days! ?