We got the results from Havyn’s MRI — STABLE!
This MRI was just of her brain, so it only shows her Optic Pathway Glioma and there has been no change to the tumor. That’s the goal of the chemo she’s on, so we’re thrilled with the results. We’d love to see an MRI with a smaller tumor (or none whatsoever) but we’re thankful for the good news.
We don’t know what’s going on for sure with the spinal tumor, but assuming it’s still stable as well. Her next MRI (March?) will include the spine as well.
Havyn’s blood counts continue to drop, but not dangerously so. Her ANC went from 4600 to 2600 to 1500 over the last three weeks. Assuming it stays above 500 she’ll get a round of chemo next Tuesday and then another two week break. She received her chemo this week at a different facility — Norton OMO — I can’t remember what that stands for… maybe Outpatient Medical Osomethingo. Maybe Obliterating Mean Overlords. Just not sure. Ovulating Monkey Ovaries? Probably not.
In any event we went over there due to some beginning-of-yeaer insurance/financial considerations. The visit took a bit longer but had its perks! Havyn had her own private room (and bathroom!), was served lunch, had a bed to lay in, and had on-demand movies on the TV. They even pay for parking — which we’ll remember and use their garage if we go there again.
Slushies from the gas station are starting to become a chemo-day tradition. She loves mixing all the flavors. We love Thornton’s because they have 102,000 options. (Right Amelia?) It’s a frozen little cupful of heaven for Havyn.
Thanks for following Havyn and for your continued prayers. Oh, and thanks Savannah and Layla for the beach balls and the stuffed animal. You guys are the sweetest!
Good news Steve, but I’m agreeing with you in prayer that it’s not good enough…praying now….’Tumor-s in Jesus name you not only have to decrease in size but you have to disappear completely in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, our healer, and our savior. We thank you Father in advance for Havyn’s healing. Satan you are defeated in Jesus name! ‘This child has has been chosen and created by God for his glory and she will live to walk the paths that have been laid out for her, she will run and play with her siblings and grow up with them in good health, she will laugh and smile with the Joy of the Lord on her heart’
Thank you Jesus for your wonderful ways with The youngs and this most difficult journey with this precious baby. Prayers are continuing. We put everything in your healing hands.
Carol Spurrier
Love you guys!
Stable is great news!! Thanks for your updates. Your family is on my mind and in my prayers. Stay strong.
A) it took me a minute to get the title! When I did I laughed at myself!! LOL!! (Row, row, row your…dangit! ?) one of those moments.
2) what GREAT news!! Stable!!! Praise the Lord the chemo is doing its job.
iii) I love you all ❤❤❤
Praise God for a good report! We are still praying alongside you!❤?
I love that pic of her, she is so darling and precious!!??
Glad to hear good news and continuing to agree and prayer for healing. Love you guys so much! ❤️❤️❤️❤️